Our complete team
360 Workplace Solutions

Warren Postlewaite, BSW
360 CEO | Principal Investigator
As CEO for 360 Workplace Solutions, Warren is a certified investigator with expertise managing allegations of misconduct, harassment/discrimination, violence and professional malpractice. An accomplished leader in the area of organizational values, Warren’s boasts two decades of practical experience in manager, director and senior labour relation’s roles including Lead Investigator for the two largest employers in Saskatchewan − Saskatchewan Health Authority and University of Saskatchewan.
Appointed by the Ministry of Health and Lieutenant Governor in Council, Warren is currently a member of the Professional Conduct Committee for the Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists (Regulatory Body).
In addition to investigative interventions, Warren has a well-rounded skillset with understanding the complexities of organizational and interpersonal workplace dynamics. His depth of experience allows him to provide expert advice to ensure highly charged workplace issues are managed with sensitivity and fairness – for his contributions to this space Warren has been awarded the prestigious Saskatchewan Health Care Excellence Award and has received commendations from the Saskatchewan Premier and Health Minister.
Further, as an industry leader in the behavioural change arena, Warren is not only a reputable intervener, but also a presenter who energizes dialogues and engages thoughtfully and empathetically with difficult topic matters.
In his professional journey Warren has found that organizations often underwhelm overwhelming behavioural problems; as such, as a forward thinker and idea farmer, he is built for change. Whether intervening with extraordinary workplace events, conducting highly complex workplace investigations or facilitating a compelling workshop, Warren always seeks to empower employees and leaders to embrace the just, sustainable and kind workspaces that we all strive for; hence, “better lives at work.”

Kurt Sandstrom, KC
Lawyer, Leadership Consultant
Kurt is a lawyer, consultant and former executive holding Assistant Deputy Minister positions in the British Columbia and Alberta public services. Kurt has 30 years of experience in law and over 20 years in government, with 15 years as an executive leading transformative change in public service organizations.
A constitutional and Indigenous law lawyer with appearances before the Supreme Court of Canada and the United Nations, Kurt led the Legal Services departments in the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. He championed the Safe Communities initiative in Alberta, a cross-ministry collaboration of over 9 ministries tasked with making communities safer and headed up BC’s justice reform area in the Ministry of Attorney General. He taught constitutional law and history, constitutional litigation, and law, public policy and dispute resolution at the Universities of Alberta and Victoria faculties of law for over a decade.
Kurt’s passion is creating real, lasting, and innovative change through strategic planning, change management, project delivery, organizational design, and user and stakeholder engagement. Kurt believes that transformational change is no accident and requires a supporting structure for success. Leading change requires an engaged and empowered workforce, sound vision, mission, mandate and values, a strategic plan and effective project delivery approaches. He has extensive experience in organizational re-design of public sector organizations to achieve first rate results.
He has extensive experience in the following areas:
- Justice policy, legislative and policy reform, and access to justice initiatives (led Justice’s legislative reform area with responsibility for over 100 statutes)
- Indigenous policy, Indigenous justice reform, Indigenous justice strategies and consultation models
- Indigenous courts and other specialized courts such as drug courts, integrated courts, integrated justice services models, community courts, domestic violence courts, and other related models.
- Justice system engagement through stakeholder vehicles and justice summits
- Tribunals and tribunal transformation, including expanding the mandate of BC’s Civil Resolution Tribunal
- Justice system modernization, virtualization, and court reform, including the BC virtual bail model and online traffic court model
- Family law reform through the Early Resolution Program in BC and revised Provincial Court family rules, expanded Justice Access Centres, and mediation models
- Judicial compensation commissions and structures
- Program operations including the BC Family Maintenance Enforcement Program, Family Justice Counsellors, Office of the Superintendent of Professional
- Governance, and the Independent Investigations Office
- Police oversight through the Independent Investigations Office and Chief Civilian Director
- Creation of Crown agencies, (the Family Maintenance Agency in BC)
An accomplished facilitator, Kurt has assisted parties come together to solve intractable problems creatively.

Dr. Coralee Pringle-Nelson, MEd, RPsych (SK, 638), PhD, Ed Admin
Coralee Pringle-Nelson is a registered psychologist (#638, SK) and has a PhD in Educational Administration. Her research interests include leadership and posttraumatic growth. Coralee has worked in the public sector as a clinician, clinical supervisor, manager, and leader for the last 17 years. She has experience working in mental health and education, as well as in the justice, social services, and postsecondary sectors.
Coralee has an active private practice dedicated to supporting individuals address anxiety and depression in their lives and provide assistance following traumatic events. Coralee provides training and consultation to organizations focusing on the mental health of employees, and how to thrive after adverse events. Coralee is experienced using Cognitive Behavior Therapy and trained in Emotion Freedom Techniques and Traumatic Events Systems to name a few.
Coralee is the co-author of Nurturing Your Writing Calm (October 2018) a book dedicated to writers who desire to expand their creative potential. The nurturing your writing calm process has been utilized with entrepreneurs to enhance their business practice, using the written word to engage their audiences.

Catherine Knox, LLB
Lawyer, Investigator, Mediator, Consultant
Catherine is a lawyer, currently operating the Catherine Knox Law Office, in Saskatoon, SK as a sole practitioner.
She has worked as both a Crown Prosecutor and defence counsel in criminal law matters and also practices in the areas of disability law, and labour and arbitration. Catherine was a part-time member of the National Parole Board for five years. She has served as counsel in a number of complex historical files over many years including the Mount Cashel Orphanage sexual abuse prosecutions of clergy and Christian Brothers in Newfoundland from 1987 to 1993, was co-counsel for the FSIN in the Neil Stonechild Inquiry in 2004, and counsel for the lead Prosecutor in the David Milgaard Inquiry in 2005-2006. She served as the first Vice Chairperson of the Saskatchewan Public Complaints Commission that was created following the Stonechild Inquiry and remained in that position for seven years. She was a Board member of the Saskatchewan Law Foundation and is currently a Board Member with AIM (Ability in Me) which is an advocacy/education/resource organization for children and young adults with Down Syndrome and their families.
Catherine acted as an Assessor in a pilot project in Saskatchewan that was the designed to develop a model to address claims from former students that they were abused in residential schools in Saskatchewan and the Alternate Dispute Resolution Process (ADR) that was implemented by Canada. She then became an Adjudicator and Deputy Chief Adjudicator for the Government of Canada in the implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IAP) that replaced the ADR process.
Since 2018 she has worked as an investigator for various government and non-government organizations to address workplace misconduct complaints in the Province of Saskatchewan. She is also employed, on a contract basis, with the Government of Canada to act as a Roster Assessor in applications for compensation by current and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence under the Heyder Beattie Sexual Assault Class Action Settlement Agreement.
Catherine has had a career that incudes a graduate degree in Social Work from Memorial University of Newfoundland (1977) and an LLB degree from Dalhousie University (1984). She was a member of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador from June 1985 to December 2022 and has been a member of the Law Society of Saskatchewan since April 4, 1995.

Erin Folk, RCMP Retired Member
Investigator, Consultant
Currently the Principal and Founder of Erin Folk Consulting Inc., Erin was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) from 1998 – 2018. She worked as a general duty police officer from 1998 until 2007, at which time she accepted a position instructing policing at ‘Depot’ Division in Regina, the RCMP Training Academy. At the Training Academy, Erin was a facilitator in the Applied Police Sciences Unit for six years. She then transferred to the Drill, Deportment and Tactical Unit, and instructed dismounted cavalry foot drill for an additional two years, and then accepted a role as Executive Assistant (EA) to the Training Officer of ‘Depot’ Division. As the Training Officer’s EA, she was responsible for the operations of the training base, assisted with Division training project management and development, training program management, and program research.
In 2012 Erin achieved a certificate in Police Leadership with a Law & Justice Concentration, from Dalhousie University. Components of this certification included the law of human rights, and strategic human resource management.
In 2013, Erin became a workplace responsibility/harassment investigator, according to the Canadian Federal Government Treasury Board training, definitions and competency profile to investigate administrative personnel Code of Conduct violations within the RCMP, specific to workplace harassment. In 2013 Erin was invited to become a coach and trainer to educate others in the harassment investigation process and became a resource for employees for advice and guidance.
Erin is a competent, qualified investigator. Her knowledge, experience and ability to manage difficult situations with quality results has been sought out by the RCMP National Office for the Coordination of Harassment Complaints in Ottawa, where they utilized her abilities to train and mentor investigators across Canada. Erin attended the Atlantic Region Professional Responsibility Unit in Fredericton, New Brunswick, to assist with training investigative teams and assisting the Unit with understanding the process of the investigation and resolution of workplace harassment complaints. She has been sent to work for the Pacific Region Professional Responsibility Unit to both investigate allegations, as well as assist with the delivery of training to investigators in that region. She was a continuous resource for the North-West Region of the RCMP, namely; Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, providing service to investigate allegations, and advice on the internal processes of the RCMP, according to RCMP policies and Federal Treasury Board directives.
Erin has counselled and provided advice regarding the harassment resolution and conflict management processes to countless people of diverse client groups, including federal and provincial government organizations, First Nations, private enterprise, and non-profit organizations. Erin has interviewed hundreds of people, from executive leadership to front line personnel, all with success. She has worked on various high profile investigations, requiring the utmost confidentiality, tact and decisiveness.
Erin has certification in Coaching for Success, Culture and Conflict, Team Leadership, Coaching for Effective Leadership, Interest Based Negotiation, Crisis Negotiation, Active Leadership in Values and Ethics, and Workplace Responsibility Investigation, among others. In May 2018 Erin achieved certification as a Health and Safety Administrator. She adheres to Occupational Health & Safety Legislation, both federal and provincial, and has a sound working knowledge of this legislation. Erin has developed an Anti-Harassment (prevention) training program and resource material for the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly, for both the Elected Members and the Caucus Leaders of the Assembly. She has developed an Investigator Training manual, and as an experienced adult education facilitator, delivers a quality training product with value added results, based on her accumulated knowledge, skills and experience.
Erin volunteers her time to Boards within her community. She created a non-profit organization and community council in her home community, Sundale Community Association in 2017, and remains a member of the Board of Directors. She is a Director and the Chair of the Board of Directors for Heritage Saskatchewan, a forward thinking and innovative non-profit organization that focuses on the rights of indigenous people, and intangible cultural heritage. She sits on the Executive Committee, Governance Committee, and the Performance Evaluation Committee for the Heritage Saskatchewan Board of Directors. Erin is the Past-Chair of the Parish Pastoral Council in her home parish, St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church Parish in Lumsden, Saskatchewan, and a member of the Advisory Council for the Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home in Regina, Saskatchewan, a home operated by Emmanuel Health (Catholic Health Ministry of Saskatchewan).

Iffat Ritter, LLB
Lawyer, Investigator, Mediator, Consultant
Iffat is currently Senior Counsel at Procido LLP. Prior to becoming a lawyer in 2007 Iffat worked for Health and Welfare Canada providing dental services to the Indigenous population in the Northwest Territories and Northern Saskatchewan from 1985 to 1992.
From 1992 to 2003 Iffat was a computer consultant and computer instructor for various educational institutions including Northlands college, Palliser Campus, University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan.
While attending the College of Law at the University of Saskatchewan, she was a researcher, editor, and assistant for the late Honourable Allan Blakeney QC. Professor Emeritus.
Iffat articled in 2007 and worked in a small law firm in Saskatoon where her areas of practice focused on criminal law, civil litigation and family law. In 2008 she took a position with a large law firm in Saskatoon and became a Partner in 2014. For the past 15 years Iffat has primarily practiced in the area of Family Law Litigation. Iffat’s current areas of innovative practice include: Workplace Investigation, Legal Coaching, and Resolution-based Family Law as well as the traditional practice areas of Wills and Estates, and Real Estate.
Iffat has experience leading investigations involving harassment, discrimination and regulatory compliance with private enterprises, municipalities, government bodies, law enforcement agencies, and unions. Iffat is trained in the PEACE model of interviewing that was developed through the collaboration of peace officers and psychologists, and which is a non-accusatory approach to information gathering in the investigative process.
Iffat is currently a Board member of the Legal Aid Commission and a former lecturer in the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan. Iffat’s impressive professional achievements, awards, publications and memberships can be found here.

Jillian Siskind, LLB, LLM
Lawyer, Investigator, Consultant
With an LL.B, J.D (cum laude) from University of Ottawa and LL.M from the University of Toronto, Jillian has been practicing law since 2002 and is currently called to the bar in Ontario.
Jillian has extensive legal experience in industry and professional regulatory environments as well as prosecutions, hearings before discipline panels and administrative tribunals. As a senior advisor in corporate, legal and political settings, Jillian focuses on open communication with clients to ensure each issue is thoroughly and properly addressed and resolved.
Jillian has represented a number of professional regulators conducting discipline hearings, provincial prosecutions, arbitrations, civil litigation and appeals. She has represented the federal crown in criminal prosecutions for narcotic and immigration offences, and the provincial crown for offences under the Occupational Health and Safety Act for critical injuries sustained at worksites.
Jillian served as legal counsel for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Senior Legal Counsel at Tarion Warranty Corporation, the regulator for the home building industry in Ontario. She is currently appointed as Statutory Director for the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario, overseeing all investigations and prosecutions for the organization. In private practice she works with a number of Ontario’s industry regulators as well as private businesses providing strategic advice and legal representation on a variety of legal matters. As an expert in enforcement and compliance matters she also designs operating models and frameworks to increase efficiency in regulatory and compliance regimes, with a view to being proactive versus reactive.
With an expertise in policies, procedures and required regulatory frameworks, she compares trends and approaches in various jurisdictions and formulates recommendations and provides oversight on the implementation of policy regimes.
Jillian also acts as a consultant to organizations with issues related to privacy and privacy breaches, Access to Information, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation and data protection strategies and legislation related to workplace safety, harassment and discrimination matters.
Jillian is currently an executive member of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Administrative Law Section and is a past executive member of the OBA’s Real Property Section. She is an active member of the education and conference committees of the Society of Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR) and is a Certified Construction Adjudicator with the Ontario Dispute Adjudication for Construction Contracts (ODACC).
Jillian served for seven years as the President of Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR). Further, she has worked in the Office of the Prosecutor (war crimes) at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
Jillian is an invaluable legal resource who can advise on client matters or take carriage over investigations and legal reports. In addition to being on the roster at 360 Workplace Solutions, Jillian is the founder and principal at Jillian M. Siskind & Associates, Toronto, Ontario.