Workplace Assessment – Diagnostics
A blueprint for change.
Do you have a workplace rock in your shoe? Do you need to rebuild trust and strengthen relationships? Are your business deliverables being hijacked by behavioral churn? Negativity, absenteeism, or turnover? Do your teams feel deflated? Project deliverables tripping over low hurdles? When these events occur executive teams need precise information to pause, pivot and move ahead with a informed plan for success.
Along with the 360 Team our CEO, Warren Postlewaite, has experience in advising executive teams in the provinces’ largest employers on diagnostic results and recommendations for tangible solutions. Warren understands that you need to make informed decisions and to do so you need objective data.

A 360 workplace assessment can harvest information that may not be not readily visible to you. Through confidential one-on-one interviews, documentary reviews, and customized assessment tools, an assessment will provide your company valid, reliable and rigorous data for the purposes of diagnosis and intervention.
360 Diagnostics result in tangible solutions and recommendations:
- At 360, we believe the most important aspect of the assessment process is to offer its clients tangible, realistic, and concrete solutions to achieve the desired state. 360 Assessments identify gaps between the current state and desired state and work with the company to move the dial.
- Outperforming the benchmark is the new benchmark; book your workplace assessment today and benefit from 360’s wide angle vision.