Mediation/Conflict Resolution

You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.

At 360 we believe conflict resolution should be assessed on its merit and dealt with in a timely fashion at its lowest levels.

We find mediation is best facilitated by a neutral party who can initially meet with the parties privately to map the tension and develop a plan to work toward the goal of having both parties sitting in a safe room to seek solutions, together.

Mediation can provide persons in conflict opportunity to understand one another, acknowledge the hurt and work together to restore harmony; hence, a shared responsibility to resolve differences and create a preferred future.

– Warren Postlewaite

A 360 mediation can:

  • Clear the air
  • Rebuild strained relationships
  • Establish rules (social contract) for future engagement
  • Help maintain a professional work relationship
  • Clarify outstanding questions
  • Help everyone recognize the adverse impact

Without doubt, mediation has a proven pedigree to produce dramatic benefits to all involved; consequently, at 360 we dive deep to ensure we are not wrongly assessing a routine conflict as harassment.